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    Experts from all parts of the startup ecosystem share their perspectives and what they know…

    Venture Capitalists & Angel Investors

    Our investors tell us:

    • What investors think when they are evaluating founders
    • What advice would they give themselves if they could travel back in time
    • And More…

    Successful Startup Founders

    Our Founders discuss:

    • Growth and coping strategies
    • The journey from CEO to leader
    • And More…

    Founder Coaches, Lawyers, Accelerator Execs, & more...

    We discuss:

    • How to access Founder resources
    • When to access Founder resources
    • And More…

    Starting a company is Hard. This Interview Series can make it easier.

    The statistics are daunting. Starting a successful company is hard. But have you noticed how many successful founders found their success on their second, third, or later company? The real story of many “overnight successes” is that they were failing and learning for awhile before they created the company they become known for.

    Why is that?

    In part because there are some fundamental strategies and tactics that founders learn each time they start a company. As they learn those rules, starting a company becomes easier because they know what to expect, how to find product/market fit, how to communicate their ideas, and a host of other things.

    This interview series is designed to have startup industry insiders share the things that they’ve seen and learned about what it takes to launch successful companies.  You can spend years trying to figure out the fundamentals, or you can listen to these founders, investors, and other insiders share what they’ve learned, potentially saving you years of personal frustration.

    Almost all startup founders and first time CEOs will walk away with something actionable from these discussions.


    Won’t you join us?  Register below…

    Get access to the Startup Superhero Interview Series before it goes away!


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      We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting to Tony Clemendor, the host of the Startup Superhero series, and The Founders Forge to email you during the event and afterward with selected and relevant emails. 
      © Copyright  The Founders Forge. All rights reserved.